smooth zen stone agains rust colored sand

Wise Eating, Self-Acceptance, Heart Nourishment & Presence

Category Archives: Events

Mindfulness in Aging at the Falmouth Library

Mindfulness in Aging at the Falmouth Library

Here is a course I’ll be offering at the Falmouth Library: Tuesdays from 10:00-11:30 am beginning September 18 Aging is the chance of a lifetime. How do we meet this inevitable aging that no one escapes?  Come sit in a group to explore together ways of working with all that aging brings and means.  Mostly… Continue Reading

Mindful Movement with Sue Young

Mindful Movement with Sue Young

I am happy to be offering this new class at the Falmouth library Tuesdays, 10:30 am-12 noon; 8-week session begins July 17 Life is uncertain.  Get up and move—on and off the mat. Mindful Movement is NOT about shapes, being a pretzel, having firm abs or being flexible. We will simply try to find more… Continue Reading

What Really Feeds You?

What Really Feeds You?

What Really Feeds You? Tuesdays from 10:00-11:30 beginning on January 23, at Falmouth Memorial Library Do you make New Year’s Resolutions about eating better or losing weight?  How long do these resolutions last? After your resolution inevitably fails, do you think, “What is wrong with me?”  What Really Feeds You will help you awaken your heart… Continue Reading

Life is Uncertain: Meditate Now

Life is Uncertain: Meditate Now

Here’s a meditation class I’m teaching. We’d love to see you   Feel free to post and/or pass it on: Tuesdays for 10:00-11:00 am September 19 through November 21 (no class on October 3 or November 7) We are all affected by the busy-ness of today’s hectic world. How can we avoid becoming overwhelmed? Have… Continue Reading