smooth zen stone agains rust colored sand

Wise Eating, Self-Acceptance, Heart Nourishment & Presence

Category Archives: Events

Meditation for the Ever-Beginner, Saturday, January 14

Meditation for the Ever-Beginner, Saturday, January 14

Presented by the Falmouth Community Wellness Committee and Guided by Susan Lebel Young Have you tried meditation once, but it didn’t work? Maybe you want to start practicing again or take a refresher class? Perhaps you meditate regularly, and would welcome an opportunity to join with others. Whatever your motivation, you’re invited to this workshop… Continue Reading

A Fundraiser for the Family Leadership Center and a Great gift for a Grandparent

A Fundraiser for the Family Leadership Center and a Great gift for a Grandparent

Need a Gift for a Grandparent? Consider purchasing the latest book from local Falmouth, Maine author and fellow grandparent Sue Lebel Young: Grandkids as Gurus: Lessons for Grownups FROM THE AUTHOR, SUE LEBEL YOUNG “I thought I knew. I was sure I knew. Oldest of seven children with a whole lot of babysitting under my belt,… Continue Reading

Midweek Mindful Moments

Midweek Mindful Moments

I am excited about this offering for people who live near Yarmouth, Maine Midweek Mindful Moments Wednesdays, starting October 6th 9:30 – 10:30 AM Eastern Time Join us on Wednesdays for our weekly, in-person mindful moment gathering At the Family Leadership Center we believe that world peace starts at home. As individuals work at inner peace, that peace… Continue Reading