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Wise Eating, Self-Acceptance, Heart Nourishment & Presence

Author Archives: Susan Young

Food Fix: A Mindfulness Series on Food

Food Fix: A Mindfulness Series on Food

Wednesdays, Oct 25-Dec 27, 10:00am-11:00am Russell Room Adults Join Sue Young in this 10-week workshop on the thoughts, emotions and actions that might need investigating in order to create a more permanent FOOD FIX. Her book by that name will provide the backbone of your discoveries together. To help the library in their fundraising efforts,… Continue Reading

Mindful Movement Mini-Series

Mindful Movement Mini-Series

Mindful Movement Mini-Series Mondays, May 22nd-June 26th (excl. holidays) Russell Room Adults Have you been wanting to try our Mindful Movement series but don’t want to commit to a whole 6 sessions? Try this mini four-week session instead! Starts May 22nd, followed by three Mondays in June (no meeting 5/29 or 6/19). 10-11am. Bring a… Continue Reading