To Persevere. To Celebrate. To Play. To Love. To Share. To Adventure. To Relax. These are some of the chapter titles in Grandkids as Gurus: Lessons for Grownups. which let us know what children can teach us. I’m excited to say that my third book, Grandkids as Gurus: Lessons for Grownups is now available at local bookstores, through my website and on Amazon. I hope there is still time for you to give it as a gift to anyone who loves life’s lessons or to buy it for yourself for when you can finally relax after the holidays with a hopeful read. The essays were inspired, and often edited, by four children as they grew from about age 2 until about 10. Read about the book on the website. Read testimonials there too. Please reach out to me with questions if you want. I love chatting about these smart, funny and kind kids.